Monday, March 31, 2014

"Make your mess your message"

i shared this blog with someone outside of our family for the first time the other day. i thought she'd get a kick out of my weird humor and it would help fill her in on what she's missed since it had been a long while since we had seen each other. i had never intended to make her feel ashamed by any means about how she approached and dealt with motherhood, but alas, that was how she felt.

this blog and it's gory details were never meant to make anyone feel bad about their easy journeys or anything of the sort. it was simply a way for mark and i to document our journey to becoming parents and a little something to never let us forget just how precious the miracles are that God has given to us. but most importantly, i started this blog to show people like us that their rough journeys aren't walked alone.

in july 2013, mark and i were watching the ESPYs. some time in the show, one very strong woman that i have always admired received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. it was Robin Roberts.

check out those guns!

as she bravely walked up the stage to give her speech and her receive her award, i couldn't help but to think, "damn, what an awesome woman." that turned out to be an understatement.

prior to her speech, the show did a montage of sorts where Robin's mantra so to speak was "Make  your mess your message" - something her mom always told her. in essence, she was telling us to tell our stories and share our heart-aching pains and journeys so that others like us, going through the same things as us, would know that they're not alone and that there are people out there who genuinely knew exactly how they felt and what they are going through. as she would say, "Find the meaning behind whatever it is you’re going through because everybody’s got something." 

our journey is our mess. this blog is our message.

(you can find Robin's full speech here.)

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