Monday, March 31, 2014

"Make your mess your message"

i shared this blog with someone outside of our family for the first time the other day. i thought she'd get a kick out of my weird humor and it would help fill her in on what she's missed since it had been a long while since we had seen each other. i had never intended to make her feel ashamed by any means about how she approached and dealt with motherhood, but alas, that was how she felt.

this blog and it's gory details were never meant to make anyone feel bad about their easy journeys or anything of the sort. it was simply a way for mark and i to document our journey to becoming parents and a little something to never let us forget just how precious the miracles are that God has given to us. but most importantly, i started this blog to show people like us that their rough journeys aren't walked alone.

in july 2013, mark and i were watching the ESPYs. some time in the show, one very strong woman that i have always admired received the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. it was Robin Roberts.

check out those guns!

as she bravely walked up the stage to give her speech and her receive her award, i couldn't help but to think, "damn, what an awesome woman." that turned out to be an understatement.

prior to her speech, the show did a montage of sorts where Robin's mantra so to speak was "Make  your mess your message" - something her mom always told her. in essence, she was telling us to tell our stories and share our heart-aching pains and journeys so that others like us, going through the same things as us, would know that they're not alone and that there are people out there who genuinely knew exactly how they felt and what they are going through. as she would say, "Find the meaning behind whatever it is you’re going through because everybody’s got something." 

our journey is our mess. this blog is our message.

(you can find Robin's full speech here.)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

17 weeks

yay for 17 weeks! i'm getting bigger by the minute and so are the twins! well, technically, i'm only getting bigger BECAUSE of the twins. i've managed to keep a pretty good weight by exercising and eating well. so while i'm losing my own weight, the twins are gaining to keep things even. does that make sense?

i've had to buy some maternity dresses for upcoming weddings though. i was hoping to be able to fit into current dresses that i own but my breasts just do not want to comply! hahaha! i still have to wait to get the new dresses all altered right before each wedding 'cause i have no idea how big i'll be by the time each wedding rolls around. if anyone out there needs reasonably priced and pretty dresses, i highly suggest ASOS. i never thought to look there until a friend of mine suggested it. i had always thought the clothes there were too small for me. even not pregnant, i'm not exactly on the smaller side of the scale.

the update photo explains the other stuff i cannot for the life of me remember right now. time for bed!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

the process, the gory details and all that stuff - part 7


we were pregnant! we had a few blood tests to check that my hcg (pregnancy hormone) levels kept rising. boy did they rise and boy were they HIGH! they were definitely indicating a multiple pregnancy! and our first sonogram verified that there were, in fact, 2 little babies growing in my uterus!

just before we were set to "graduate" from shady grove to my OBGYN, we had another bleeding scare. this time, they were calling it a subchorionic bleed. dr. o'brien wasn't overly concerned about it and said it was more common that i thought it was. we just had to monitor it as usual and make sure it wasn't getting worse. it would pass and heal itself with time and i needn't worry about it if she wasn't worried. but i have to tell you, seeing blood when you don't want to makes you worry even though you know you shouldn't. dr. o'brien graduated us the week after and we made our first appointment for the twins to meet my OBGYN at Capital Women's Care.

and that's where this lengthy multi-part process ends and starts with the updates from "since January 18, 2014".

stay tuned for why i decided to tell you all about every little detail (as much as i could remember) and why it was so important for me to do so. 

the process, the gory details and all that stuff - part 6 + christmas, new year's eve, & my brother turning 30!

so the 2 week wait. it coincided with the holidays. so either we sat around here in rockville till the new year just to get the results or we went ahead with our travel plans to spend the holidays with my family in Texas. uh... no debate. we were heading to Texas.

everyone protested me flying down there because they didn't want anything to happen to me and the little embryos. but, to me, if the doctor says it's okay, it's okay. in hindsight, i understand the concern now. but i really needed to be with my family at the time. i guess they just didn't realize how much i needed to be with them and see them and hug them and spend as much time with them as i could before all the chaos happened. i'm hoping they understand now though.

it was great to be around everyone, but it was hard hiding the fact that i was incubating 2 little embryos. only my parents and siblings and their significant others knew the news. on christmas eve, we celebrated our annual "Ulanday Christmas" at my sister's house and had a great time. we did our usual white elephant exchange and played some games. all in all it was a very exciting and fun day.

my niece Taylor and nephew Mason

me & mark

brother-in-law Allen, Mason, Taylor, sister Laurie

brother Mike and his girlfriend Rachel

Mom and Dad, Mason and Taylor

cousin-in-law Holly, niece Hannah, cousin Eric

cousin Dennis, nephews Nick, Jake and Zach, niece Olivia, cousin-in-law Kelly

Mason with brother-in-law's brother Jody


Aunt Corette

Kelly's sister-in-law Sharon

Mike and my Uncle Rolly

kiddos playing the right left game


Laurie and cousin's girlfriend Cindy
on christmas day, we all woke up early to have breakfast at my sister's in-laws' house. as we were finishing up breakfast and heading out to church, i needed to use the restroom. it was then and there that i started bleeding. i had felt a little pain early that morning but attributed it to gas from the heavy breakfast. i guess i had been wrong. so i called the doctor's office (they are open 24/7/365) and left a message for the on-call doctor about my bleeding and mild cramping. mark and i decided that i should go back to bed and lay down while he went to church with my family. and so i did.

while at church, the doctor's office called back and told me that there was nothing they could do at the moment and for me to monitor the bleeding - making sure that it didn't get worse and that hopefully it would get better. it got better. by the time everyone came home from church and were getting ready to eat lunch, the bleeding had subsided. i was to call back the next morning or friday to speak to dr. o'brien or one of her nurses about further instructions. i called back on friday.

according to the nurse, it could be bleeding from implantation which is fairly common - even more if there are 2 successfully implanted embryos. so that news calmed me down. but, i had to take it easy from now on and really adhere to the no lifting more than 25 pounds thing. it was REALLY hard to adhere to that when i missed my niece and nephew so much that all i wanted to do was pick them up and cuddle with them. i had to resort to laying on the couch with them most of the time.

new year's eve and my not-so-little-anymore brother's 30th birthday (new year's day) was looming around the corner. as i was helping my sister take care of the kids and she helped my mom prep for the annual new year's party at my parents' house, i felt cramping yet again. and wouldn't you know it, i started bleeding yet again. it wasn't as bad as christmas day, but i definitely saw fresh red blood. my heart just sank. another call to the nurse and the doctor's office ensued.

this time, the nurse said that it could still be residual from the first bleed and the same instructions were given. rest, take it easy, and monitor the heaviness of the bleeding. it thankfully didn't get any worse and subsided by the time people were arriving to my parents' house. the party was a lot of fun 'cept that a whole bunch of us had apparently gotten sick and were still recovering from something someone may have passed around on christmas eve. my brother turned 30 and my sister and i looked at each other and realized just how old WE were now! haha

Mike & Taylor

cousin Mark & husband Mark

Daddy & Mike

Daddy, Aunt Eufe, Aunt Corette, Uncle Rolly, Mike, Godmother Juliet

pretty banner i made and family photos

Mike & Rachel

Mike, Mark, godbrother Matthew, Mark, Rachel

Taylor and my Mommy

my goddaughter Julia and Taylor

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

Julia and her mom, my godsister Jennifer

Me and Julia

me and mark

playing Minute To Win It games

Julia's brother Ben playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

Uncle Art, playing Minute To Win It games

Allen, playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

playing Minute To Win It games

helping my brother blow out his candle

umbrella with 30 rolled up $1 bills hanging from it for Mike's 30th birthday, made by me and my sister

passed out Mason, and a very exhausted sister and niece

a few days later, mark and i headed back to rockville completely exhausted, hearts filled with a lot of love and ready to take my blood test to see if we were pregnant.