Wednesday, May 20, 2015

10 months!

i can't believe time is flying by so fast! the babybears are 10 months today!

unfortunately, they both have a cold today too - hence, back to jammies with covered toes! poor kiddos. they are so congested and snotty. i hate colds. i hate that for babies, there's almost nothing you can do for them. fortunately, i have (finally) started using Essential Oils on them. i'll write a post on that later. so, i'm hoping the oils and other remedies and of course lots of mommy cuddles will help them get better sooner than later.

in other news, the twins are just amazing. lincoln is inching away all over the place and pulling himself up at least to his knees. so i had mark lower his crib just as a preemptive move to avoid any accidental climbing over the rails. lincoln wasn't a big fan of it at first, but now he likes having a different view of everything. he smiles a lot more and is more interactive too. he just loves being thrown into the air and being spun in circles with mommy.

as for reagan, she's still not on the move. she's content sitting in one place as long as she's surrounded by toys of her choice. when we put her on her tummy, she just lies there and spins in circles or "swims" in place. i'll try to get a video up of that next time. it really funny and cute. she did crawl the other night because she was about 2 feet away from where i had last left her. well, either she crawled or just kept rolling till she got where she wanted to go!? haha!

the twins both LOVE mickey mouse clubhouse! they freeze every time we put the show on for them. and they both can't resist the music of Taylor Swift! every time they are fussy in the car, i put "shake it off" on the radio and they instantly stop crying! i'm thinking i'm going to seriously have to send Taylor Swift some sort of thank you gift for calming the twins down! haha!

time to go tend to the twins and they're yucky cold!