Friday, May 30, 2014

25 weeks + other stuff

wow this post is late! sorry to whomever reads and has been waiting... last week was kind of uneventful 'cept for a few things.

i spent most of the week actually IN bed because the twins seemed to be putting a lot more pressure than usual on my cervix. every time i sat up to eat or got up to go to the bathroom i felt our little lincoln bearing down on my cervical opening. it felt like he was just going to pop right out if he pushed any harder. our poor little guy must be so scrunched up and uncomfortable in there! i could also feel our little reagan shuffling around more than usual. at times it felt like she was kicking her brother too. she's the one sitting on top right now, so she's got a lot less pressure on her.

sometime in the middle of the week, mark was laying on my belly during his "daddy and babies time." i was just watching and trying to hear what he was talking to them about that day. sometimes i can hear him talking to them, sometimes i can't and just fall asleep while they have their bonding time. while i was sitting there watching him rub my belly and talking to them, i could feel lincoln squirming around a lot. all of a sudden, lincoln headbutted the spot where mark was laying his head really hard and strong. so strong that mark jumped up onto the other side of the bed! we laughed for a good 10 minutes about it. i laughed so much that i needed to pee really badly afterwards! haha! now, every since then, mark's been scared to lay on my belly and just chooses to lay on my lap to talk to them. 

so the next morning, we had our weekly appointment with GWMFM. if you read from last week, i was quite unhappy about our last sonographer. in the middle of this past week, mark had emailed dr. matia about the experience and the horrible attitude of the sonographer. the head sonographer emailed mark back to assure us that we would no longer have that person as our sonographer and would make it a point to assign us sonographers that i have already seen and had good experiences with. it was a great sigh of relief and weight off my shoulders.

as we waited to be called in, that bad sonographer popped out to get another patient. talk about awkward. i was assuming she was reprimanded or something prior to our visit that day. she seemed to give me a bad look when she saw that i was there in the waiting room. you'd have thought that she'd learn and be nicer after getting her ass chewed out for how she treated a patient, but i guess people with bad attitudes like her just always have bad attitudes no matter what. if that's the truth, that's just plain sad on her part.

so, we got called back, the sonographer did her usual scans and then dr. manely, another GWMFM doctor, did her check up stuff. after dr. manely checked things out, a nurse came in to administer a steroid shot to me. it was to help the lung development of the twins. it's commonly given to multiples in utero. then, i had to come back 24 hours later to get the second dose. the shot hurt, but i knew it's what had to be done to keep the babies growing and healthy.

i'll try not to be late with this week's update! have a great weekend everyone!

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