Monday, May 12, 2014

23 weeks + a wheelchair + the tiny humans

another week, another finding. let's start from the beginning...

so we went to finally get a wheelchair and a handicap placard so i could get around more but still be resting. it has taken some getting used to maneuvering around and i have noticed so much. so many stores and other places of business are not handicap compliant or their handicap compliant equipment are either insufficient, broken or non-existent. i'm thinking i need to do something about this. perhaps write to these places of business that we've encountered or write to the better business bureau about it. i'm also learning how completely rude and lazy non-handicapped people are.

we went to a restaurant where they have parking designated specifically for expectant mothers. we saw it and were about to park there when this guy coming from oncoming traffic signaled before us. we let him have it only to see him and his wife get out of the car and the woman was waaaay too old to be pregnant!! i was livid! had i not already felt physically drained at the time, i would have said some very choice words to them. and wouldn't you know it, they got out of the car and practically ran into the restaurant as to not be seen how rude they truly are! some people!

anyways... the rest of the week seemed to be pretty uneventful till my appointment with dr. matia came on thursday. along with our sonogram, they brought in a pediatric cardiologist to look at the babies' hearts. reagan was looking fine, but lincoln was a bit concerning. apparently, there is a blood vessel that leads to his heart at the moment that isn't open wide enough. though his heartbeat is okay, they fear that the blood vessel might close too soon and that will stop the bloodflow to his heart. it hurts me so much that i can do nothing to stop these things from happening to my little man. all i can do is pray the God takes care of him in the ways i can't right now.

after lincoln's problem came mine. my cervix was shortening more. it was at 2.19 inches or so the last time and now it's around 1.97 inches. so i have to really be careful of the times i'm on my feet. so, i'm practically confined to the bed or a chair unless i realllllly have to be up. i know it's what needs to be done, but i'm getting restless and anxious as my due date is getting closer. there is just so much i want done before they arrive but i have no freedom, or energy for that matter, to do any of it!

i hope things get better sooner than later. meanwhile, here are a few pictures from the twins' last sonogram...





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