Monday, December 1, 2014

thanksgiving photos + 2 colds + an honored guest posting

hi all! hope everyone's been well and had a great thanksgiving holiday. mark and the twins and i had a very eventful and exhausting thanskgiving weekend. we started our day all in bed to watch the macy's thanksgiving parade after a full 8 hours of sleep! what!? full 8 hours you say!? let me side-step for a moment...

yes, the twins SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! haaaallelujah! praise the Lord! it was glorious and fantastic and holy crap did it feel gooooood! we had been experimenting with their sleeping and feeding schedules here and there to see how long they'd last between feedings. just as they turned 4 months, they miraculously surprised us by starting to sleep for longer periods of time at night which resulted in them finally sleeping through the night. they have been great sleepers since then. they wake up here and there but are learning to put themselves back to sleep. it's truly bittersweet as i love my times of rocking and singing them to sleep and sometimes back to sleep for bedtime and sometimes naptimes. they're just growing so fast!

back to thanksgiving...
we spent the day playing and taking photos of the twins (we now call them the baby bears; explanation to come soon). later the night, we went to mark's aunt and uncle's home to celebrate with mark's family. we ate a lot, played with and showed off the baby bears a lot and had a great time. the baby bears had so much fun that they were extremely exhausted and passed out cold as soon as we got home.. and again slept through the night! here are some photos we took of them that day.

the next day, we relaxed at home for most of the day and then went to a friend's house to celebrate thanksgiving with our friends. it was great to see our friends and spend time with them even with the babies in tow. again, they had so much fun that they passed out right when we got home and slept for most of the night. they got up once or twice though, cause i think they were just too over stimulated that night and seemed like they had a nightmare or two; at least for lincoln. poor thing woke up screaming! 

the next day, we spent the day resting and playing at home again. that night we went to our friends' new home for their housewarming and potluck thanksgiving dinner. i think the twins were just too tired from the 2 nights before at this point and they were pretty fussy and only wanted mommy and daddy to hold and play with them. so we cut the night short and went home earlier than we expected so they could get some rest. 

the next morning, both babies woke up fussy and congested. our poor baby bears had their first cold. they had runny noses and lincoln had a phlegmy cough. reagan just had boogers for days! the nosefrida was working overtime yesterday and STILL is! i made and emergency run to the pharmacy for vicks, vapor bath and lots and lot of boogie wipes! since then, we have been religiously sucking snot out of two noses, running the humidifier in their room for every nap, wiping vicks all over 2 chests, 2 backs, 2 necks and 2 feet and been trying our  best to comfort and cuddle with 2 babies. we are exhausted but the babies are already getting better. thank God!

an honored guest posting:
today, we made an appearance on another twin mommy's blog in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month last month. so pop on by the sweet Sharisse's blog at and read about our Preemie Life!

stay tuned for our next posting as we backtrack a bit to the twins' red egg and ginger party! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lian! I am just ooo'ing and aww'ing over here at your babies' pictures!!! They're so freakin' cute!!! I especially have a soft spot for Lincoln b/c he reminds me of my boys. He is SO SO handsome!!! I love the pictures where the babies are "sitting" up.

    And YES to the nose frida. It is our life saver and I truly don't know where we'd be w/o it. Actually, I do know. We'd have super congested, stuffy, runny-nose babies ALL.THE.TIME. :)

    Thanks again for your awesome guest post!!! <3 <3
