Saturday, June 20, 2015

11 months

i can't believe the twins are 11 months already. i swear it was just yesterday that i was rocking them to sleep and they were snuggled in the bed with us.

lincoln is crawling, standing, and learning to feed himself. he's also starting the whole cruising and climbing thing so we always have to keep a close eye on him - can't turn our backs on him for a split second! reagan just started army crawling and has yet to learn to sit up from lying down, but she just doesn't seem in a hurry to do so. she's content with being the princess and having us do her bidding. haha! she has her moments of feeding herself when she feels like it, but for the most part, she prefers we feed her.

they're both still sleeping through the night and, for the most part, napping well. they love walking around the house in their walkers and exploring. they're starting to get picky about what they eat now though. i'm hoping it's just a phase.

we're frantically trying to get everything ready for their 1st birthday around here too. between their 1st birthday plans, starting a new calligraphy & lettering business, drowning in the wedding planning/consulting stuff, and chasing the twins around the house all day every day, i'm EXHAUSTED!

being a stay-at-home-mom is a lot harder than anyone thinks! i'll write a whole different entry on that later though. for now, this momma needs to finish up some work and then knock out! tomorrow's mark's first father's day - will do a mini-update on that and my first mother's day (in may) if i have energy to remember!

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